Posted by : Rendezvous Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

People with Cheap life dont stand a chance against a good ending (bagi pemegang trisula, nyawa mereka tidak akan ada harganya)

Ini bukan masalah harga dari sebuah nyawa, tapi bagi mereka yang telah membunuh, tidak akan ada tempat lagi di dunia kecuali merubah segalanya. Some young do a reckless one, they do think that they still have much time to change, they dont realize that they actually in the dead line of their life phase. Die young sometimes be a better option for God to make but human will never understand, it is say that God is unfair. Even so, God knows everything, he is so wise than anything, once again humans lose to God in fair and square.

But why a good man also die faster just like a bad one? What makes you think that being good will eventually make you live longer? Not even a single things can make sure about the God decision. It is still up to him anyway. But again, Cheap life dont stand a chance, kalao lo cuman fooling around dan bahkan menyimpang dari jalan takdir lo sendiri, just get ready to be another slave for the trisula user. It is just another way of salvation from savior. So, dont regret it.

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