You die young when . . .
1. You decide to die (whether you are depressed or so on)
2. You are destined to die young (it was written in your own book)
3. You are a good man to die (some say a good man die sooner than later)
4. Tuhan berubah pikiran (God change his mind)
5. etc
In this case, all of them pick the fourth . . .
Ada banyak tabir tentang kenapa orang bisa mati muda, salah satu nya yang ga dipahami banyak orang adalah kesalahan fatal dan penyimpangan orang tersebut dari alur takdir nya. Ketika seseorang telah mentargetkan sesuatu di buku kehidupannya tapi dia tidak mampu menenuhinya pada waktunya (bahkan tidak mampu untuk melakukannya ketika dia sudah tua, they will eventually die sooner). It is not an absolute theory or some else like that, but at least it could explain the condition.
I give you an example: seorang gadis, dia diciptakan sedikit lebih istimewa dari gadis lainnya, bahkan ia dilindungi oleh beberapa penjaga disisinya. She is smart, well educated, deserved loved, wealth enough family, have a bright opportunity, but . . . .
a. She decide to date a wild . . .
b. it is means, She will be away from a man that she meant to be with
c. the storyline will be different . . . and so she will eventually not accomplished her mission
itu hanya satu alur, what if the things just getting complicated, for an example:
a. She abandon her religion
b. She decide to fool around
c. She pick a wrong fucking dude
d. She is dumb enough to realize her mission (her purpose of creation)
e. She is good enough to feel beauty but that's all (she isn't developed her character or even packed her things for a journey of life)
and then . . .
and then . . .
#you can also swap it to he
Dalam beberapa series novel, dikatakan bahwa orang tidak akan mati sebelum waktunya, it is right and I am agree with that. One things missing, what makes you think that your time is loose enough to fool? What make you do think that you are valuable enough to God? If I can say, I will eventually say a sad truth that "Humans life is actually cheap". It is for real. You may not understand that from any education perspective, you can only understand that if you already unlock your other side of thinking. It is impossible if you are just one type of any kind IQ or EQ or even SQ type. you must try to combine all of three to gain a new one UQ (Universe Quotient).
Me? I dont have such a things, it is just happen that I see what others dont, just that